Hello there! I am


Engineer | Cybersecurity Enthusiast


About me

I am currently a Final Year student pursuing a B.Tech Degree in Computer Science at PES University, fueled by a profound passion for cybersecurity.

Equipped with a solid foundation in key aspects of cybersecurity, including Information Security, Network Security, and Digital Forensics, complemented by a basic understanding of Cloud Security.

Throughout my academic journey, I have immersed myself in the fascinating world of computer science, with a keen focus on cybersecurity. What started as a curiosity has grown into a profound interest, leading me to explore diverse facets of this field, from network security to penetration testing and Digital Forensics.


Portfolio Website

    -> Developed a simple portfolio website using HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
    -> The website which you are looking at now.
    -> Hosted using Github Pages

CTF Writeups

Password Strength Checker and Generator

    -> Developed a python program which checks the strength of a password and generates a strong password if the provided password is weak.
    -> Tech Stack: Python

Internet Cafe Management System

    -> Developed a Database Management project designed to keep records of daily users of an Internet Cafe.
    -> Tech Stack: MySQL, Streamlit


Languages and Databases

  • Python
  • HTML & CSS
  • Javascript
  • SQL
  • PostGreSQL


  • Ethical Hacking
  • Web Application Security
  • Digital Forensics
  • OWASP Top 10
  • Cloud Security basics

Tools & Frameworks

  • ReactJS
  • NodeJS
  • Flask
  • Burpsuite
  • FTK Imager
  • Autopsy
  • Metasploit
  • Nmap
  • Wireshark
  • Nessus


  • Linux
  • AWS
  • Terraform
  • Git & Github
  • Docker

Contact Me

If you have any questions or just want to connect, don't hesitate to reach out at: